Washington Post Dan Zeik reports on Stephen Colbert's testimony before Congress:
"The comic pundit Stephen T. Colbert, with tongue in cheek and fully in character, blustered his way through a four-minute speech about immigration reform in front of a House subcommittee Friday morning, a fake blowhard before a panel of real pontificators. His message: Working on a farm is so hard that Americans don't want to do it, so immigration and labor laws should be reformed to allow illegal crop workers a clean path to citizenship.
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"I'm a free-market guy," Colbert said when it was his turn to speak. "Normally I'd leave this to the invisible hand of market. . . . But the invisible hand has moved farm work to Mexico" because of lack of available labor in the United States. If Congress passes the AgJOBS Act -- intended to provide legal farm labor and protect the rights of immigrant workers -- "Americans may consider taking jobs once conditions are better," Colbert said. "I trust both sides will work on this together in best interests of the American people -- as you always do," he said in conclusion. "U.S.A., Number 1."
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