All of the Family 2A (spouses and unmarried children under 21 of legal permanent residents) moved backward 1 year to January 1, 2007 EXCEPT Mexico which moved forward to January 1, 2006. The Bulletin states:
Continued heavy applicant demand for numbers in the Family F2A preference category has required the retrogression of the Worldwide, China-mainland born, Dominican Republic, India, and Philippines cut-off dates for the month of March. Should the current and recent retrogressions have the intended impact to slow demand for numbers, it is anticipated that these cut-off could begin to move forward slowly in the coming months.
Further retrogressions cannot be ruled out should demand continue at the current levels for some categories and countries.
Other Family categories stayed the same or moved less than 1 month with the exception of
- 2B (children over 21 of LPRs) from Dominican Republic moved forward 4 years to January 1, 2001.
- Philippine child categories (1, 2B, 3) all moved forward by 2-3 months.
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